The fimbrial end is the free end of the fallopian tube which grasps the egg from uterus. Normally, the fimbrial end is full of cilium and they can swing freely. The moving of the cilium transfers the egg into the fallopian tube.
How does fimbrial end adhesion occur?
Pathogens like e.coli, staphylococcus, gonococcus, chlamydia, mycoplasma can infect women’s reproductive system and cause pelvic inflammatory disease. Acute PID, acute salpingitis, acute pelvic connective tissue inflammation, and some other conditions can all be triggered by the infections. If these inflammations are not treated promptly, adhesions may occur in women’s pelvic cavity, between connective tissues, around the uterus, inside or aound the fallopian tubes. The fimbrial end can be adhesive or blocked because of infections or inflammations.
How to cure fimbrial end adhesion?