Monday, May 19, 2014

Three must known causes of prostatodynia

Prostatodynia, as a thorny symptom of men, always companies with thin urine stream, urgent urination, urinary incontinence or frequent night urination, bringing too much trouble to prostate disease sufferers.
Although the causes are too much, here are three causes man must know:

1. Infection from bacteria, virus or pathogene  
Bacteria, virus or pathogene will invade the prostate and disorder its function while body is under a weak immunity situation. Urinary tract, a organ to release urine, gives the chance of bad materials to flow against the current and enter into the prostate glad. Thus, prostatodynia is a consequence of infection. This type of prostatodynia should be valued and timely treatment is necessary too.    
2. Bad living habits  
Prostatodynia might happen, if one has bad living habits. Here are some bad habits that man should avoid: excessive drinking, sedentary lifestyle, eating spicy frequently, drinking less water and bad personal hygiene. What’s more, if the prostatodynia is caused by unprotected sex and has no effective response to antibiotics, patients should try Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill - a pill that has no drug resistance and also won’t brings harms to liver and kidney.
3. emotional factor
If one always feels low, then, the Immunoglobulin level in his or her blood is lower than happy person’s, which means the morbidity rate like prostate disease for this type of person is higher than happy person’s, showed by some tests from health center. Thus, if man want to far away from the prostatodynia, he needs to keep a good mood.
All in all, man can cure prostatodynia with antibiotics or Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill if it caused by infection or unprotected sex; man can cure prostatodynia by build a healthier living habits if it is caused by Bad living habits; man can cure prostatodynia by keep a cheerful mood if it is caused by emotional reason.

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