Wednesday, May 15, 2013

epididymitis and spermatorrhea

When boys enter puberty, they begin to have the need of sex, so if men cannot have sex or take masturbation regularly, spermatorrhea is the consequence. If men over concentrate on sex and contact with female frequently, the chance of getting epididymitis is very high. What are the influences of epididymitis?
Duo to the inflammation of reproductive organs, spermatorrhea also isn’t abnormal for men, because spermatorrhea also is one of the consequences of epididymitis. What is epididymitis? It is a disease when there are inflammation purulent in testicles and epididymis. The symptoms are pain on one or both testicles. Generally speaking, it is more common happens on one side.

This disease can cause frequent congestion for reproductive organs, so the times of spermatorrhea is frequent. Despite of this reason, this consequence also can be caused by prostatitis, urethritis, spermatocystitis, balanitis and so on.
habitual spermatorrhea will cause depression, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, much dream, god fatigue, lumbar debility, memory loss and other adverse change, need to pay attention to. The infection or inflammation of reproductive organs also can be caused by bad personal hygiene, tight jeans, masturbation, spicy food, excessive drinking and too long foreskin, because all of those things mentioned above can cause congestion and lead to inflammatory spermatorrhea.
Herbal formula is the result of more than 5000 years’ experience in treating diseases, so herbal formula has its own advantages.
This disease can be cured by herbal formula - Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This herbal formula has many advantages. First of all, this pill has no side-effect, so me can take this pill without any worries because their liver and kidney are very safe and won’t be hurt by this pill. Secondly, this pill can promote blood circulation and QI, clear away heat and toxic materials dissolve stasis, dissipate hard lumps and release pain, so epididymitis can be cured within three months because of those amazing functions. Thirdly, this pill also has no drug resistance and the effect of this pill will be better than yesterday.
If you are interested in this pill, please contact us as soon as possible and our emails are:,


  1. Natural Treatment of Epididymitis to prevent multiplication of the microbes. Natural Cure for Epididymitis should be tried the general anti-infection agents that have been endorsed by the specialist.

  2. Inilah aspek penyebabnya ambeien :

    Perubahan hormon
    Ketika hamil, kualitas hormon progesteron pada Ibu hamil bakal menderita peningkatan meskipun hormon tercatat bermanfaat dekat memperkuat atau menyangga janin yg ada di pada peranakan tapi hormon terselip serta dapat menahan gerak peristaltik otot pencernaan.
    Sedangkan otot tersebut memiliki khasiat buat melancarkan perjalanan makanan bermula saluran pencernaan ke saluran pembuangan.

    Ukuran janin yang semakin besar
    Ketika usia kehamilan masih melaju janin dan uterus pula akan ikut mengembang maka mengatur terjadinya tindihan di rongga perut dan panggul.

    Penelitian yg dilakukan oleh dr Bradley dari peranggu Kebidanan kampus Iowa, Amerika Serikat. mengidap bahwa 25 prosen Ibu hamil akan menggondol sembelit dan kondisi ini sanggup tengah berlanjut hingga 3 bln setelah menumpahkan kalau sembelit tak serentak ditangani, resiko terjadinya kekurangan otot panggul menjadi akbar.

    Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan seputar penyakit kelamin yang anda rasakan, jangan ragu untuk bertanya pada kami karena isi konsultasi aman terjaga, privasi pasien terlindugi, dan anda bisa tenang berkonsultasi langsung dengan kami. Anda dapat menghubungi hotline di (021)-62303060 untuk berbicara dengan ahli Klinik Apollo, atau klik website bawah ini untuk berkonsultasi dengan ahli klinik Apollo.

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  3. Helpful Natural Remedies for Epididymitis possess either anodyne action to help reduce or antibacterial action; particularly herbs that help treat bacterial infections of the urinary tract.
